The area of Zemplin has formed since the 1. half of 11. century as a regional administration unit committee of Zemplín, since the 2. half of 13. century as a Zemplinska See and at last since the 2. half of 19. century till 1922 as a county of Zemplin. Name in the year 1806: Latin comitatus Zempliniensis. Older names rised earlier in years 1337 - 1773. The name is after Zemplín castle which was built on Slavic hill-fort on the side of Bodrog river north from Somotor lt was the oldest castle built before tartar incrusion. Previous regional administrative unit Zemplin spreaded on areas of present district Humenné, Medzilaborce, Snina, Trebišov Vranov nad Topľou, the most east part of Stropkov and west part of Michalovce, continuing to Hungary pending the mouth of Bodrog and Slaná with Hornád. Zemlínska See was the biggest See in Slovakia. As a particular administrative unit came into existence in the 1. half of 11. century when it reached river Latorica in the north, til the first half of 14. century it reached outlines which were til year 1918 a Hungarian-Polish border and after 1918 Slovak-Polish border. A center of Zemplín were Zemplínsky castle (13. - 1 . half of 14. century), Blatný Potokn town Zemplín and after 2. half of 18. century Nové Mesto pod Šiatrom (Hungarian Sátoraljaujhely), since 1918 Michalovce. Even Slovak settlement is documented since paleoliten til the arrival of Slavs continually settled was just East-Slovak lowland. Slavic settlement was most intensive in the area of Medzibrožien it means between Bodrog and Latorica and Tisa and between side of Ondava and Laborec.The settlement of Slovak part of Užská See can be noted since paleolite. Seats in Tibava and in Poruba under Vihorlat are well-known. Eneolite settlement was discovered in Lúčky Most numerous settlements - Slavic settlements from Great Moravian era - Hnojné, Sejkov In Middle Ages were also settled Nízke Beskydy and the frontier of Poland. The north area from Vihorlatské hills and also east from Snina was settled on Walachia by Ukrainian population in 16. century That time there were 383 settles, from those10 towns came into existence - Zemplin, Leles, Kráľovský Chlmec, Michalovce, Sečovce, Humenné, Stropkov, Trebišov, Vranov and Snina. At the end of 16. century were on East-Slovak lowland of Užská See 101 settles, from those were only 2 towns - Sobrance and Veiké Kapušany.From aristocratic families, which in the period of feudalism owned nearly all soil in this area, the most powerful were Drugeth, Stáray, Perény, Csáky, and Andrássy. The lieges kicked against subjection and rebelled against suzerain. In south and south-east parts of Zemplin were big paesant rebellious in 1514, leaded by Juraj Dóža. The whole area of Zemplin was during 17 and 18. century a stage of professional and religious fights. Bocskay, Bethlen and F. Rákoczi didn't fulfil the public expectation. In year 1831 big East-Slovak and cholera rebellious affected not only Zemplín, but even nearly the whole part of East Slovakia. After its suppression 120 people were put to death and 20 000 people died of epidemic. The abjection forced people to emigrate. In years 1879 - 1903, 52 444 people emigrated from Zemplín, what was nearly 20 % of population. In thirty years of 20. century people felt the consequences of business depression.
During Second world war numerous guerilla detachments operated in Vihorlat and in north mountain areas of Zemplín, e.g. Pugačov ,Čapajev, Jastrab. Fasists wreaked their anger on defenceless people. This situation was in October and November in 1944 in Vinné, on Biela Hora in Michalovce, in Poruba under Vihorlat, Pavlovce above Uh, Remetské Hámre, in Tokajík and other districts.
Resource of subsistence was agriculture, at the end of 19. century fixated on more difficult crops, including vine in Tokai area. Second job in hilly and forest areas was wood work, calcination of wooden coal and grassiand farming. The centre of ceramic ware were and are Pozdišovce. To the interesting handy crafts belonged also trough-making, basket-making, home production of textil from flax, hemp and wool. Many towns were known for their markets. BACK |