Web page of the town Trebišov Web page of the town Michalovce Web page of the town Sobrance Web page of the town Vranov nad Topľou Web page of the town Humenné Area: 5400 km2
about 430 000
Population density:
Remarkable information of Zemplín

   Region of Zemplín borders with Poland on the North, with Ukraine on the East, with Hungary on the South, with Abov on the South-West and with Šariš on the West. It consists of "Dolný Zemplín" (belongs to the region of Košice) with these districts: Michalovce, Sobrance, Trebišov; and "Horný Zemplín" (belongs to the region of Prešov) with these districts: Vranov nad Topľou, Humenné, Snina, Medzilaborce. In the past the region was a part of Zemplínska and Užská counties.

   Typical of Zemplín's folklore is captured in pictures of the Zemplín's painter Teodor Jozef Mousson, and in poems of the famous poet Pavol Horov. Whole so large region has saved its typical culture and dialect till today.

    Zemplín belongs with its variety, miscalleny and diversity between the nicest parts of East Slovakia. On the North side of region there is an impressive carpathian land with its rare fauna (deer, wolf, bear) and flora (old forests). It offers virgin nature, large oasis of silence and loneless like no other part of Slovakia.

    There are many preserved wooden churches with their high historical, artistic and handicraft value. South part of Zemplín is a part of large lowlands with plenty of water areas like Zemplínska šírava, Domaša etc.


- the LOWEST point: 1221 m high above sea - Kremenec
- the HIGHEST point:
94 m high above sea - place where the river Bodrog flows out from SR
- the oldest village:
Ruská - year 1195 (district of Michalovce)
- the youngest village:
Zemplínske hámre - year 1945 (district of Snina)
- the lowest located place:
Klin nad Bodrogom - 98 m high above sea (district of Trebišov)
- the highest located:
army area Valaškovce - 660 m
high above sea (district of Humenné)
- village with the largest population:
Pavlovce nad Uhom - 4000 inhabitans (district of Michalovce)
- village with the smallest population:
Parihuzovce - 40 inhabitans (district of Snina)
- the largest village district:
Stakčín - 167,67 km2 (district of Snina)
- the smallest village district:
Budince - 1,96 km
2 (district of Michalovce)

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